We invite you to participate in the Assembly and Workshop of the Youth Network which will be held on 13 October 2019 in Kigali, Rwanda just before ICA’s Cooperatives for Development Global Conference (14-17 October at 14:30).
There will be a short Assembly prior to the workshop primarily to elect the new members at large. More details about the Youth Network Assembly and the proxy procedure can be found in the official meeeting documents below. It should be noted that only voting members of the Youth Network will be able to vote but other registered youth are invited to observe the Assembly.
Following the Assembly, the Youth Network will hold a workshop to discuss:
- Analysis from the mapping project and case studies / best practices.
- Projects to replicate best practices.
- How can we bring youth into the ICA?
- Youth resolution to the ICA General Assembly to take place 17 October 2019 in Kigali.
All youth are invited to and encouraged to participate fully in this workshop. We need your ideas, inspiration, and collaboration!
For our planning purposes, we would appreciate it if you could please inform Gretchen Hacquard at hacquard@ica.coop if you intend to participate. We hope to see you there!