Youth Leadership Exchange Program
This project is for you if:
- You are under the age of 35 and would like to learn more about cooperatives
- You are willing to share what you learn with others by:
- Taking part in a Takover Facebook during the exchange
- Posting 1-2 times about what you are learning about coops on your favourite social media platforms or blog
- Becoming a coop media ambassador: https://identity.coop/media-ambassadors/
To apply, duly complete the application form available here along with a motivation letter and/or video explaining why you wish to participate in this programme.
The application deadline is 31 January 2023.
There is a limited number of scholarship funds available to those in need of full or partial funding. It is estimated that the in-country costs for food, lodging and transport will be approximately EUR 1,000. This does not include the cost for participants to travel to the program country. If you will need full or partial scholarship funds, indicate how much and what for in the application form.
Project Launch
This project was launched in 2022 with the first participant from the United States who travelled to Rome, Bologne and Brussels, Belgium in September 2022. Read her blog to learn about her trip and how it inspired her interest in cooperatives: https://intcoopimmersed.blog/
If you have questions that are not answered by the information provided above and in the application form, please send an email to globalyouth@ica.coop with “Exchange Program Question” in the subject line. The answers to frequently asked questions will be posted below: