Opportunities for Youth in New Delhi

05 Jul 2024

Hello fellow #coopyouth! 

We come to you with a great opportunity. Fast but amazing. Heads up!

If you saw the recent newsletter mailing (if not PLEASE DO!), registration is now open for the ICA Global Conference to take place 25-30 November in New Delhi, India. 
Now the news is…

🚨🚨Reduced registration fee is available for youth!!!
AND we will have a youth oriented coop-a-thon 
AND an extra youth program with the Youth Leadership Exchange Program (YLEP)🚨🚨

Now, down to details:

👉Reduced fee
There is a reduced youth registration fee of EUR 200. If you will be aged 35 or under as of 25 November 2024, benefit from this discount by selecting “I am a youth registrant” when registering. 

Register for the Global Conference here.

From 26-28 during the conference, there will be a coop-a-thon and youth gathering. During the coop-a-thon, participants will collectively hack cooperative solutions for challenges faced by small businesses and communities. More information on this is forthcoming, but be prepared to actively participate in sessions filled with film screenings, trainings and hands-on hacks! We are encouraging all youth to participate to help create the next generation of coops!

👉Participate in the Youth Leadership Exchange Program (YLEP)
Are you interested in learning about cooperatives? The Youth Committee is inviting you to apply for a tailor-made study tour hosted by the National Cooperative Union of India that will take place 1-8 December. A small group of 15 international youth will be chosen to become inspired by cooperatives by getting to know and visiting cooperatives and members of the International Cooperative Alliance in India just after the Global Conference. The program will include not only visits to cooperatives in different cities but also community service activities, team building and workshops. Learn more about the concept behind YLEP here.

The cost to participate in the YLEP will be approximately EUR 620 (euros) for local meals, transport and lodging (in a shared room in a hostel). You can apply for a bursary to cover all or part of these costs. 

💰Bursary for youth
Youth are eligible to apply for a bursary for the Global Conference which includes full or partial funding for a round-trip economy flight to/from New Delhi and shared lodging in a hostel. The EUR 200 entrance fee to the global conference is not included and must be paid by the delegate. The bursaries do not include your costs for health insurance, visas, local transport to/from the airport, meals not included in the events, and your other incidentals. 

🚩⏱️Application deadlines and process
Click below to fill out the application form to

  • apply for a bursary to attend the ICA Global Conference 
  • participate in the Youth Leadership Exchange Program (YLEP) in India in 2024
  • apply for a bursary to participate in the YLEP

The application deadline is 5 August 2024. Don’t miss this great opportunity! 

You must be 35 or under as of 25 November 2024 in order to apply. Applicants who are not youth will be automatically disqualified.

Click here to apply.

Special thanks to our hosts and sponsors!

hosts and sponsors