I am Cecile Jay Masanegra is 31 years of age and connected with AIMCooP for 11 years and currently the Area Manager. After earning my college degree in 2011 of Bachelor of Science in Psychology Major in Human Resource Development and Guidance Counseling I immediately applied a job in the cooperative. With the length of service in the cooperative, I come up with a decision to better serve the cooperative where I am in and at the same time serve the people I earned my Master’s Degree in 2021 (Master of Business Administration).I really enjoyed working in the cooperative because I meet different types of people in regardless of their economic status and of different personalities. As of this very moment I am one of the active members of the ICYC and particularly in Asia and Pacific and currently one of the Vice Chairperson of the committee.
My passion is to involve the youth in the cooperative movement because it is where I saw the true meaning of “way of life” by which, in cooperative there is unity and when there is unity there is always harmony. With my years of experience in the cooperative movement I believe that if we engage the youth and make the youth part of the cooperative sector we can build a strong community and develop an environment that “there is no one above nor below us, we are all equal”.