The definitions and conceptions in this glossary help to summarize a portion of the contemporary coopyouth interpretation of cooperativism. While some of what is outlined includes criticism of past or current behaviors and actions of cooperators and cooperatives, what is shared is not shared in an attempt to be divisive. Rather, illuminating precisely what cooperativism is and how it needs to be leveraged in the face of systemic oppression, environmental crisis, unfettered warfare, global pandemics, and widespread abject poverty, is - instead - an attempt to bring everyone along into a liberated and cooperative future.
“We make no apologies for limitations others might point out. We are on the move. We appreciate those who make us aware of our defects and even our lack of fidelity to the principles that we have embraced. however weak or powerless we may seem to them, we remain faithful to the cause of work and social justice, and we ask them to help us” (Arizmendiarrieta, 1999, 56-57).
Coopyouth welcome the same level of critique and continuation of cooperative inquiry from other generations, especially the younger. It is only through this consistent striving generation after generation, that we can finetune and strengthen the work we do in cooperation. What is offered herein, in accordance with the first-next step mentality, is not offered as the final word in cooperative philosophy and practice. It is one step along the path of humanity in endeavoring to survive and thrive on this planet.